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Recently I was brushing my teeth and saw something in the mirror that made me do a double-take. No, not some pretty chick brushing her teeth... it was the definition in my biceps. I've been taking the kickboxing class at the The Studio at Manoa Marketplace for about three months now and finally getting to the point where the stiffness of the previous workout wears off fast enough for me to workout twice a week. I first came to the class on a free trial and was instantly hooked. MMA Champion Egan Inoue usually leads the class himself. My fellow classmates are friendly, enthusiastic and always respectful. The facilities are clean, sometimes a little crowded, but adequate. But back to the results... I had a baby about a year and a half ago and was having a hard time keeping off the last ten pounds. Having done Boxing and Cardio Kickboxing-type workouts before at the YWCA and YMCA, I was familiar with the basic punches and kicking techniques, but I had never worked with the heavy bags. Let me tell you, it makes a HUGE difference. I can punch air all day long without my arms getting tired. I do just 20 punches on the heavy bags and I'm out of breath (albeit I'm not in great shape). Make that ten hard punches and I'm doubling over, gasping for air. But between the punching, kicking, push-ups, sit-ups, planks, lunges and assorted other calisthenics, I'm in the best shape of my life. (And this is the only workout I do except for some rope jumping on days I can't make it to The Studio.) If you're feeling intimidated, don't be. Everyone in the class knows the workout isn't easy. We all started somewhere. But if you want killer obliques (I don't have a six-pack yet) and biceps that make you want to pose in the mirror, come check out Egan Inoue's The Studio. It's not cheap, but worth every penny.

-Kawehi Onekeya
Let me begin by saying I hate running and I hate gyms. I always got really bored when I started going to the gym because I could never figure out a fun way to mix it up. My older brother started going to The Studio and all I kept hearing is "it's really fun... you should come". I put it off for a month or two because I was afraid I would die in my first class, and as you may have experienced at other gyms, I didn't want to have to deal with macho douche bags. I went on a Saturday (which isn't recommended because its a more intense class... make a note of that when you choose your first class) and immediately got sucked in. Is it weird that I found joy in beating up a heavy bag for an hour? The best part is you work everything and clas is never the same way twice. You do work on the bag, ab work, leg strengthening drills, agility drills, and sometimes a little more. Having things mixed up and having a "coach" pushing you to finish are what keep me coming back. I now go 2-3 times a week for kickboxing. If you have kids, definitely ask about the keiki boxing and keiki jiu jitsu classes. The kids love it! Let me also say that the people that train at The Studio are amazing. They are welcoming and willing to help any and all new comers to our obsessive world of kickboxing. When you walk in, you'll most likely meet Egan (yes... Egan Inoue) as you're walking into class. Though he has beaten up some fighters pretty good in past MMA events, Egan is seriously the coolest guy ever and he's a great coach. Don't be scared to come out, we've all started as a beginner and I promise we'll help you get through your first class.

-Robert Penn
The Studio
Grappling Unlimited
Private Lessons
Kids Classes
Copyright (c) 2009.  The Studio 2851 East Manoa Road, Honolulu, HI 96822, HI. All rights reserved.